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Keep Progressing Forward

I find that when life pivots in ways I was not expecting, it takes me time to adjust.  I have to rearrange and reevaluate my lifestyle.  I have to adapt in order to make things work.  I have to strive to conform to a new way of life: cook differently, think differently, shop differently.  It… Continue reading Keep Progressing Forward

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When Fear Consumes You

Fear.  It can be paralyzing.  It can cause judgment to get thrown out the window.  It can cause panic.  It is easy to get caught up in it, but during fearful times, it is common sense and sound thinking that is needed the most.  Yes, fear is scary.  And daunting.  Something new and unexpected is… Continue reading When Fear Consumes You

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Finding Balance in Life Takes a Special Mindset

Is perfection keeping you from living your life?  Have you ever declared you were eliminating brownies from your life or never missing a 5:00 am workout, then one bite of a ooey, gooey, chocolaty brownie or one five-more-minute morning derailed your plans and it snowballed into sidelining them all together?  No? Just me? The reality… Continue reading Finding Balance in Life Takes a Special Mindset

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Three Techniques to Try Next Time You’re Stressed

Stress.  It affects us all. Those emerging deadlines, never ending to-do lists, sick loved ones, financial issues can contribute to stressful lives. Chronic stress can impact mental and physical wellbeing in a negative fashion, but luckily there are ways to counter emotional stress we unavoidably face.  While most people know to use relaxation techniques, such… Continue reading Three Techniques to Try Next Time You’re Stressed

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Embrace an Imperfect Life

I was raised to believe everything had to be perfect.  Less than was undesirable.  If I did not get 100% on a test, then I had nothing to brag about.  There was no victory in mediocracy, no fanfare in good enough.  That mentality continued for years.  Disappointment was the norm if a goal was not… Continue reading Embrace an Imperfect Life

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Work/Life Integration

Does work/life balance conjure up images of an evenly balanced scale? A perfect 50/50 division of labor obligations and domestic bliss: dedicated amount of time for work; dedicated amount of time for life. Work/life balance is unrealistic for most. Often times, the work portion and the life one battle each other. Work issues bleed into… Continue reading Work/Life Integration

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Four Ways to Overcome Guilt

“When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the future” -Unknown It consumes us.  Washes over us.  Guilt has a way of affecting us – well for most of us anyway. You feel like you did something wrong.  Perhaps you feel terrible about it.  You may even feel like you are… Continue reading Four Ways to Overcome Guilt

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Living Life Realistically vs. Making New Year’s Resolutions

Resolution time of year.  New year, new you am I right?  And why not?  New beginnings are always exciting and wonderful.  The possibilities are virtually endless.  This is the year for change.  Yet resolutions dwindle down within a few days and become non-existent by mid-February.  Why?  Well, primarily because most resolutions aren’t set in reality. … Continue reading Living Life Realistically vs. Making New Year’s Resolutions

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The Quest for Food-Free Socializing

I have people I work with talk about the dread that comes with the holiday season and cozy, winter months.  “So much food.” “So many desserts.” “Food everywhere!” And it is true.  Special once-a-year items are found just about anywhere, and due to their seasonality, people find the urge to consume them: right here, right… Continue reading The Quest for Food-Free Socializing

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Cultivate a Relaxation Practice at Work

Ever find yourself overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed while working?  Well, you are not alone.  Anxiety can lead to at lost productivity (on average at least four work days are lost a month due to anxiety) and a whopping 83% of US workers complain of work-related stress. Most people will experience these issues at work, and… Continue reading Cultivate a Relaxation Practice at Work