featured, Mind

Why It’s Okay to Not be Okay

We’ve all heard it before: it’s okay to not be okay. It is acceptable to embrace a situation when it doesn’t go as planned. We do not have to “toughen up” or “put on a face” to cover how we really feel. Not being fine: stumbling, hurting, crying; is acceptable and nothing to be ashamed… Continue reading Why It’s Okay to Not be Okay

Body, featured

What is Whole Person Health?

Holistic medicine can be seen as unconventional in the Western world.  This thought that our being is interconnected seems peculiar to some, after all we have been taught to compartmentalize our bodies.  Tooth hurts?  See a dentist.  Foot issues? Call the podiatrist.  Have a rash? See the dermatologist for some ointment.  Conventional medicine doesn’t stop… Continue reading What is Whole Person Health?

featured, Mind

Finding What Works

Ever wondered how some people are able to keep their habits going for months, years, even decades?  Finding habits that work long term can be tough.  Comfort zones are comforting (hence the name).  There is a cozy feeling associated with doing what we have been doing day after day.  Yet, wanting to change is normal… Continue reading Finding What Works

featured, Mind

Handling Change, Realistically

A lot of change is happening around us right now.  With that, a lot of uncertainty has appeared.   A cycle of confusion, rage, acceptance.  We may not have asked for it, but it is here and we can either go with it or try to fight it.  Either way, change is occurring before our very… Continue reading Handling Change, Realistically

featured, Mind

How to Deflate Self-Limiting Beliefs

Ever felt like a goal or dream was outside your reach because you lacked the talent or expertise to make it happen?  Maybe someone informed you, you were not capable of doing it or felt it was out of character for you to do it.  This can happen frequently.  There’s a goal or a dream… Continue reading How to Deflate Self-Limiting Beliefs

featured, Mind

When Fear Consumes You

Fear.  It can be paralyzing.  It can cause judgment to get thrown out the window.  It can cause panic.  It is easy to get caught up in it, but during fearful times, it is common sense and sound thinking that is needed the most.  Yes, fear is scary.  And daunting.  Something new and unexpected is… Continue reading When Fear Consumes You

Body, featured

Nutrient Spotlight: Magnesium

It is estimated that only 20% of the US population is getting enough magnesium. There are several reasons why this number is so low, including a diet lacking in whole foods, as well as an increase in chronic illnesses that deplete magnesium from the body. Add to that the fact that most blood panels test… Continue reading Nutrient Spotlight: Magnesium

Body, featured

The Power of Walking

Walking.  It gets a bad rap.  The idea of early morning mall walkers seems to resonate with many when the concept of walking comes up.  Some call walking a cop out.  Others see it as a waste of gym time.  It may not be as physically demanding as running or as strenuous as biking, but… Continue reading The Power of Walking

featured, Mind

Three Techniques to Try Next Time You’re Stressed

Stress.  It affects us all. Those emerging deadlines, never ending to-do lists, sick loved ones, financial issues can contribute to stressful lives. Chronic stress can impact mental and physical wellbeing in a negative fashion, but luckily there are ways to counter emotional stress we unavoidably face.  While most people know to use relaxation techniques, such… Continue reading Three Techniques to Try Next Time You’re Stressed

featured, Mind

Embrace an Imperfect Life

I was raised to believe everything had to be perfect.  Less than was undesirable.  If I did not get 100% on a test, then I had nothing to brag about.  There was no victory in mediocracy, no fanfare in good enough.  That mentality continued for years.  Disappointment was the norm if a goal was not… Continue reading Embrace an Imperfect Life