featured, Recipes

Everything But the Bagel Kale Chips

Kale.  It can be polarizing.  Some people detest it, others love it and can’t get enough of it.  It gets tossed into smoothies, salads, breakfast foods, lunch items, dinner favorites – you name it.  Personally, I see no downside to eating it, but it can get redundant.  The texture is usually the same in most… Continue reading Everything But the Bagel Kale Chips

featured, Mind

Doing the Work

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.Beverly Sills If you are looking for sustainable results, then chances are you will have to put in the work.  It will involve making changes and seeing the fruit of those changes appear overtime -- instead of 30 days from now.  There is no get-rich, quick scheme… Continue reading Doing the Work

featured, Mind

Finding What Works

Ever wondered how some people are able to keep their habits going for months, years, even decades?  Finding habits that work long term can be tough.  Comfort zones are comforting (hence the name).  There is a cozy feeling associated with doing what we have been doing day after day.  Yet, wanting to change is normal… Continue reading Finding What Works

Body, featured

Ingredient Spotlight: Avocado

The creamy, buttery, decadent avocado.  It sure is versatile.  It can be used as a garnish or the main event; it can be mashed into a dip, blended into a drink, or sliced into a snack.  This mighty fruit sure can be delicious, and that deliciousness has been enjoyed for several thousand years.   The… Continue reading Ingredient Spotlight: Avocado

Body, featured

How to Prepare More Meals at Home

What comes to mind when you think about your kitchen?  For me it is peaceful, tranquil, a stress reliever.  It brings me joy: where creativity is housed.   It is the place where both my belly and soul are nourished.  Not everyone shares those same emotions though. Not everyone sees a kitchen as a happy place. … Continue reading How to Prepare More Meals at Home

featured, Mind

The Why Factor

Ever wonder how some people are able to continuously stay motivated?  Why some individuals are able to crush their goals week after week, while others struggle to maintain a goal for more than a couple of days?  Well it’s not because they have enormous willpower.  It isn’t because they work harder at their goals or… Continue reading The Why Factor

Body, featured

Ingredient Spotlight: Coconut

The mighty coconut.  It harbors many uses in the kitchen.  The meat has been used in both sweet and savory preparations all over the world.  The milk and cream make for wonderful additions to just about any sauce, soup base, or dessert imaginable.  Its oil was the go-to cooking oil up to the invention of… Continue reading Ingredient Spotlight: Coconut

featured, Mind

Handling Change, Realistically

A lot of change is happening around us right now.  With that, a lot of uncertainty has appeared.   A cycle of confusion, rage, acceptance.  We may not have asked for it, but it is here and we can either go with it or try to fight it.  Either way, change is occurring before our very… Continue reading Handling Change, Realistically

Body, featured

Ingredient Spotlight: Cauliflower

Cauliflower is part of the cruciferous family.  Named after the shape of the petals (the four petals resemble a cross or crucifix), cruciferous vegetables are known for the nutrient-dense properties (yay!).  A native of the Middle East, cauliflower made its way to Europe from Cyprus in the 16th century before being found in North America… Continue reading Ingredient Spotlight: Cauliflower

featured, Mind

How to Deflate Self-Limiting Beliefs

Ever felt like a goal or dream was outside your reach because you lacked the talent or expertise to make it happen?  Maybe someone informed you, you were not capable of doing it or felt it was out of character for you to do it.  This can happen frequently.  There’s a goal or a dream… Continue reading How to Deflate Self-Limiting Beliefs